• luvlynjiya@gmail.com
  • 8917534711

We give the best Services

Root canal treatment, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure designed to treat infections, alleviate pain, and save a tooth that has suffered damage to its pulp, commonly caused by deep decay, fractures, or trauma. The pulp, located in the tooth's center, contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue. When it becomes infected or inflamed, patients often experience severe toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold, and swelling.

Why Choose This Service

The primary objective of root canal treatment is to eliminate infection and inflammation within the tooth's pulp, preventing the spread of bacteria and preserving the affected tooth. Beyond relieving pain and discomfort, root canal therapy aims to save the natural tooth, maintaining its structural integrity and functionality.

Without intervention, an untreated infection can lead to abscess formation, bone loss, and the eventual loss of the tooth. Root canal treatment not only alleviates immediate symptoms but also contributes to long-term oral health by preserving the natural dentition and preventing the need for tooth extraction and subsequent tooth replacement options like dental implants or bridges.

  • Precautions
  • Intelligence
  • Specializations

It is common to experience some level of sensitivity following a root canal procedure. Patients may notice sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, pressure, or touch. To minimize discomfort, it's advisable to avoid consuming extremely hot or cold foods and beverages in the initial days after the treatment.

Root canal treatment intelligently focuses on preserving natural teeth rather than resorting to extraction. By removing infected or damaged pulp and cleaning the root canals, dentists can save a tooth that might otherwise be lost. Preserving natural teeth is crucial for maintaining oral function, aesthetics, and preventing the need for tooth replacements.

Endodontists are dental specialists who focus exclusively on the diagnosis and treatment of dental pulp and tissues surrounding the tooth roots. Root canal treatment is a core aspect of their specialization, and they often handle cases involving complex anatomy, retreatment of previous root canals, or situations requiring surgical interventions, such as apicoectomies.